Friday, December 23, 2005

Tunnel wonder

I made a tunnel out of a box for my son to play with.  He loves it.  I need do nothing more than look at him from the other side for him to drop whatever he is doing to crawl through the box.  In fact, anything that is remotely tunnel-like will get his attention: the previously forgotten play gym, someone's legs, the dining table (or more likely, the dining chairs).

I must admit a certain affinity for tunnels myself.  As a child I always enjoyed driving through the tunnel from Detroit to Windsor; it never bothered me that we were going under a large body of water to do so.  On the bus to summer camp we always held our hands up to the roof going under a particularly long and dark tunnel-like bridge.  And I still enjoy crawling under the dining table with my son.

This affinity is clearly present from a young age, so what is it about tunnels that makes them so inviting?

1 comment:

  1. "what is it about tunnels that makes them so inviting?"
    [freudian response deleted]
    hey, your post reminded me--whenever i would visit my cousins, we would inevitably build forts out of couch cushions and blankets. i can't wait to do that with my kids!


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